Economics - Online Games and Learning Sections for Kids, Free Use K-12 Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities for Teachers Illustration

Economics for Kids
What is economics and why do we care?

Economics can be simply defined as the social science of making, distributing, selling, and purchasing goods.

Each page in this section covers a specific economic topic and is broken into two parts to help students better understand that topic.

  • For Kids: One section is composed of a quick definition and free online games and interactives.

  • For Teachers: One section is packed with free use K-12 lesson plans and classroom activities. Most lessons can be adjusted in whole or part for most grades.

Producers and Consumers

Consumerism - Pros and Cons

Goods and Services

Needs and Wants

Supply and Demand

Scarcity and Opportunity


Personal Finance



Credit & Debit

Federal Reserve

Investments - Stocks, Bonds,
Mutual Funds

The Stock Market


The Economy

Money, World Currency


Economic Systems

Economics for Kids: Free Use, Interactive, Online Games and Activities

Economics for Teachers: Free Use Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities

Free to Use Original Clipart for Economics for Non-Profits, Kids and Teachers

K-12 Economics: Free Use Presentations in PowerPoint format

Kids Money: Financial Glossary - Terms and Definitions for Kids