Economics for Kids - Free Online Interactive Games and Activities Illustration

Economics for Kids
Play Free Online Interactives


Economics covers a lot of subjects like producers and consumers, goods and services, supply and demand, money and banking, and more! The following links lead to free online games, activities, cartoons, and quizzes for kids. If you take time to play a few, you will learn a great deal about economics in a very fun way! Learning about economics can save you a whole bunch trouble and someday might even make you a whole bunch of money. Have fun!

Producers and Consumers Games

Consumerism and Consumption Games

Goods and Services Games

Needs and Wants Games

Supply and Demand Games

Scarcity and Opportunity Games

Money and Banking Games

      Ages 5-11 games

      Ages 11-18 games

Credit-Debit Games

Budget Games

Personal Finance Games

Investment Games

Entrepreneurship Games

Taxation Games

And More 

Economics For Teachers:

YouTube - Needs and Wants, Supply and Demand, Producers and Consumers, Money and Finance, Saving and Spending, Economic Definitions for Kids, Scarcity and Choice, What is Economics, and more

Economics Free Use K-12 Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities, Simulations, Classroom Games

Free to Use Original Clipart for Economics for Kids and Teachers

Free Jeopardy Presentations in PowerPoint format